Digital Signature Certificate
DSC is equivalent to physical signature, it also ensures that data has not been modified.
₹ 1,190/-
₹ 190/-
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Get Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Class-3 with 2 year validity for ₹190/- Only
Since the introduction of the Internet and the gradual transfer of paper documents to electronic files, there has been a need to improve the security and reliability of Internet transactions and documents. The year 2000 was significant for India in terms of taking the law up to date with modern times, thanks to the passage of the Information Technology Act, 2000. This Act recognizes the challenges we face in the enormous cyberspace known as the Internet on a legal level.
Many documents are now sent electronically, and Digital Signatures aid in establishing the sender’s identity. DSC is used to verify online transactions such as Income Tax E-Filing, Company or LLP Incorporation, GST Return Filing, and so on.
Note Down The Documents Required To Apply For DSC
For Indian Citizens
- PAN Card
- Aadhaar Card
- Email ID
- Mobile Number
For Foreign Citizens and NRI
- Passport front and back copy should be attested by local embassy / notarized of that country
- Valid address proof
- Passport Size Photograph
- Email ID
- Mobile Number
Features of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Signer Authentication
DSC ensures the authentication of signer.
Signer will not be able to deny that he/she has signed the document.
FAQs of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
As Physical documents should also be signed manually, Similarly, electronic documents such as e-forms must be signed with a digital signature certificate.
The digital signature is issued by a licenced Certifying Authority (CA). Certifying Authority (CA) refers to a person licenced under Section 24 of the Indian IT-Act 2000 to issue a digital signature certificate.
Generally DSC is issued within a day.