Trademark Registration
A Brand is the identity of Business. Protect your Brand by getting it registered.
₹ 7,990/-
₹ 5,990/-
➦ Search for Name Availability
➦ Preparation of Application
➦ Logo updation
➦ Trademark Classes
➦ Updates on Application Status
Register Trademark In India
Register your Trademark in India for ₹5,990/- Only (Inclusive of Government Fees and taxes)
A Trademark is a term that separates a product or service from others. This term may be a title, slogan, image, emblem, graphic, color combination. However, most companies are only interested in registering their brand name or logo. Trademark owners have exclusive rights to use their marks in the categories in which they are registered (there are a total of 45 categories, called classes). Owners of trademarks can easily establish their right to the trademark in court and receive royalties if they register it. It also deters piracy and prohibits other companies from registering similar company names. To verify whether your brand name contradicts existing marks, you can carry out a trademark search. In India, you can get a TM in three days, but the registration will take up to 2 years.
A Trademark is a visual symbol that a company uses to distinguish its goods or services from those of other companies. A registered trademark is an intangible asset or intellectual property that a business uses to protect its investment in a brand or symbol. If your trademark is distinctive for the products and services you offer, it can be licensed. Proposed trademarks that are confusingly similar to or identical to a registered trademark are not allowed to be registered. Trademarks can also not be registered if they contain specifically protected emblems, offensive, generic, disappointing etc.
Note Down The Documents Required For Trademark Registration
- Wordmark of your business
- Logo (if any)
- Trademark owner details
- Authorization letter in favour of the trademark agent
- Document of business registration
What We Do?
✓ Search for Name Availability
✓ Preparation of Application
✓ Logo updation
✓ Consultation about Trademark Classes
✓ Regular updates on Application Status
Trademark Registration for Individuals & Small Entities
Trademark Registration for Individuals and Small Entities with TaxRodo assistance, excluding Filing of Objections raised by Department.
Trademark Registration for Individuals & Small Entities
Trademark Registration for Individuals and Small Entities with TaxRodo assistance, including Filing for Objections raised by Department.
Trademark Registration for Corporates
Trademark Registration for Corporates with TaxRodo assistance, excluding Filing for Objections raised by Department.
Trademark Registration for Corporates
Trademark Registration for Corporates with TaxRodo assistance, including Filing for Objections raised by Department.
Features of Trademark
Brand Protection
Trademark helps to protect the Brand, as it gives the brand owner exclusive right that no one else can use it.
Legal Remedies
A Trademark owner can claim for the remedies in the court of law in case someone else tries to use the brand name.
FAQs for Trademark
A trademark is essentially a characteristic of your brand. It could be your brand name, your brand’s logo, or even your brand’s slogan. For example, ‘Nike’, the ‘Swoosh’, or the slogan ‘Just Do It’. In some cases, the brand’s name and logo are combined into one, as in the case of BMW, or Coca-Cola. That is called a Logo Composite Mark.
A trademark grants you commercial rights to sell a particular brand name in a certain sector of the economy. There are 45 sectors and each sector is called a class. For instance, Class 28 refers to Toys, Games, and Sports. So if you want to protect your toy brand, you need to make an application under Class 28 and get exclusive commercial rights, to sell your brand of toys under that class.
If you have a certain brand name, or a logo, or a slogan in mind, we can do a trademark search for you. A simple way to do this yourself, is to just go online to the internet and check if there is a similar company with a similar name to yours, on the internet. You should also check for the domain name availability of your brand.
The Trademark Registry has classified goods and services under 45 classes. Your application must mention the class/classes the goods/services represent. The trademark would be registered under those classes only.
If your trademark is similar to an existing application, would hurt religious sentiments, contains geographical names or common words. It would also be rejected if it is likely to cause confusion. So, you can’t register the word ‘car’ for a car brand, but may do so for a brand of electronics.
As soon as you file the application, you receive an acknowledgement, which gives you the right to use the ™ symbol.
Trademarks and copyrights are both intellectual property, but serve different purposes. A copyright applies to literary and audio-visual (music, photographs, movies) works. So it’s an exclusive right granted to the creator or author of a book, script, software, music, photograph or movie. The owner has the right to stop the publication of any work that shares similarities with his/her work, unless it has been fairly used. Registration is not necessary. However, as copyright infringement has become commonplace in the Internet age, and you need a registration to take the matter to court, copyright registration has gained importance. A patent is a right granted for a product or process to an individual or enterprise. This right grants its owner the ability to exclude others from making, using, selling or importing the patented product or process without prior approval. In exchange for this right, the applicant must fully disclose the invention. A patent is valid for 20 years, after which it falls into the public domain.
No! The registered trademark under Trademark Act 2000 is only valid in India. But in few other countries, it can be used as a base for registering the trademark in those countries.
A trademark is an intellectual property owned by the owner. Hence, it can be sold, transferred, franchised. However, only registered trademarks enjoys these rights.
The Registered owner of a trademark can create establish and protect the goodwill of his products or services, he can stop other traders from unlawfully using his trademark, sue for damages and secure destruction of infringing goods and or labels.